It has been a busy week at the library site with concrete transport trucks arriving to finish setting basement walls. The basement will house the heating and cooling systems of the building and house some of the IT equipment.
The contractors are keeping on schedule and are doing a fantastic job. Utilities have been roughed in in the basement, stem wall transition and automated handling system footings are being set, and large rock and debris are being moved off site. The handling system is part of equipment that will automatically and immediately check in and sort materials as patrons return them. It will enable customers to see if their cards are clear and if any items need to be renewed. There is continued review and approving of shop drawings for fabrication of the structural steel components including columns, beams, joists and steel decking.
Springville is lucky to be building in this economic climate. Not only is it employing a significant number of tradesmen, we have the good fortune to be working with some of the best architects and constructions companies in this part of the country.
Although the building will be funded through the 2008 library bond, the library is in need of donations to purchase computers and other up-to-date technology, new books and audio/visual materials, and part of the furnishings. Individual, family, and business donations make a very significant difference in the quality of materials and services when a new library is being built.